Thursday, February 18, 2010

Recent Visit To Newbury

Newbury is a quaint town that sits along U.S. Route 5. There is a nice town center with a country store, a post office, town clerk's office, and a school. The village also has a bank, a library, a church, and senior housing. There are quite a few nice older victorian houses located in Newbury. When I walked into the Newbury Village Store, the store was bustling with customers buying their daily paper and sandwich from the deli. Kids were playing on the playground at the school, and the United States flag flew from the green. The only other action in the town is Route 5, with a car driving through every minute. Newbury is a small town that hasn't been built up with chain gas stations or retail stores. It's your typical Vermont town.

Save The Date!

Newbury Town Meeting Day 2010

March 2nd, 2010 at 10:00 AM

Watch on News 7 March 2nd, 2010 at 5:30 for the full news report!


Newbury Town School
(Town Meeting is held in the building to the left of the school)
Courtesy: Google Fair-Use Images


Watch the Town Meeting Day preview for Newbury, Vermont on LSC-TV News 7:

News 7 Archives

CLICK on "Thursday, February 18th, 2010 Newscast"!

For Yor Information...

Newbury Town Meeting Day 2010
When?: March 2, 2010 at 10:00 AM
Where?: Newbury Village Hall (Newbury School Gymnasium)
Voting?: Polls Open 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Lunch?: Recess at around 12:00 PM
Contact?: Susan Underwood/Town Clerk

What's On The Australian Ballot?

Here are the positions that Newbury residents will be voting for on Town Meeting Day. Polls are open from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM.

-Selectperson (3 Years)
-Lister (3 Years)
-Town Constable (1 Year)
-Auditor (3 Years)
-Delinquent Tax Collector (1 Year)
-Grand Juror (1 Year)
-Budget Committee (3 Years)
-Town Agent (1 Year)
-Town Treasurer (3 Years)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Where In The World?

View Larger Map


The Newbury Village Store: The Centerpiece of Newbury. Courtesy: Google Fair-Use Images

Town Meeting Preview

Several important issues will be brought up at the Newbury Town Meeting. The first important article on the town warning is whether or not Newbury will collect taxes in the amount of $550,000 for highway purposes.
Newbury also wants to add several senior citizen services for the town, since the town has a large population of adults over 50 years old. The town wants to bring in a medical transportation service to provide rides for the eldery to local and regional medical appointments and the pharmacy. The town wants to allot around $700 for The Central Vermont Council on Aging and The Retired Senior Volunteer Program. The CVCA works to keep the elderly aging succesfully and live independently in their homes as long as possible. The RSVP program helps meet community needs by placing volunteers in services provided by local non-profits.
Two bridges in the town are in need of repair, and the town wants to use $55,000 from the town's Bridge Reserve Fund to repair those bridges. The bridges are located on Peachbrook Road and Old County Road.
Newbury is celebrating 250 years since it was first founded, and they want to raise $1,000 to fund a Newbury Semiquincentennial Celebration.
The last important article on the town warning is whether or not the town will raise taxes to $466,500 to pay the general expenses of the town.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Newbury, Vermont

Welcome to Newbury, Vermont. Home of the state's best speller!